20 Jul
5 Tips For Every Autism Parent

My son Zack drew this freehand and digitally enhanced it for the book

  • Eliminate negativity from your life. People, places, and or situations that are negative have no place in your life, and the moment you realize this and eliminate them, you'll be happier. People who don't want to learn or educate themselves, or are always criticizing or judging are not welcome in your life. Your circle will be small, but loyal.
  • Embrace routine and stability, no matter how rigid it might be. It's your life, not anybody else's. 
  • Embrace your life. Accept that things will be different for you forever. When you do that, you lessen some of the pressure, guilt, and anxiety that go hand in hand with raising and or living with someone on the spectrum.
  • Embrace your child (or children) on the spectrum and their unique qualities (quirks) lol. Learn from them, with them, and modify behaviors only when you must, and allow them to grow and become the wonderful human they were meant to be.
  • Advocate for them. Make sure they are getting the best education, support, therapies, and anything else they need to help shape them into the best version of themselves they can be.
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